Word Nerds Unite for National Grammar Day

row-of-colored-pencilsWordsmiths, unite! March 4 is National Grammar Day!

This holiday was established in 2008 by writer and editor Martha Brockenbrough, author of Things That Make Us [Sic].

(Isn’t that the cutest title ever?)

The National Grammar Day website has all sorts of goodies—free e-cards, free grammar wallpaper, grammar t-shirts, teaching materials, and the nerdiest theme song I have ever heard.

Check it out: www.nationalgrammarday.com/

And if you want to read up on the beauty of grammar, or strengthen your skill, here are some good books:

Enjoy your day!
This post was originally published in 2012 and has since been updated.

a blue and green sticker that says "word nerd"


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