In the small town of Tipp City, Ohio, where the Dragonfly headquarters is located, there happens to be a lovely, scenic bike trail. It’s the perfect spot for getting lost in thought and enjoying the natural world without the bustle of everyday life. I took a walk there early one morning last week, after a roaring thunderstorm the night before and received an unexpected epiphany.
The normally clear path was littered with debris. As I journeyed along, careful to avoid the hazards, I noticed a change occurring right before me. The sunlight began to break through the canopy of trees, drying the rain-soaked ground; the maintenance workers drove through to clear the fallen branches; and further away, I could hear the whirring of a chainsaw working to clean up larger refuse from the storm. A renewal was happening all around me. Soon, this little piece of nature would be restored to the way it looked just hours before.
On that same trail, I crossed paths with the girls of the local high school cross-country team, out training for the upcoming season. They were full of smiles and waves in my direction. They looked so happy to be out on the trail doing what they love. Seeing them made me think about the new school year that lies ahead for each of them: new school clothes, new supplies, a return to the daily routine and (hopefully) normalcy.
Usually people use the new year as a time to set goals, but I have always loved the renewal that the back-to-school and autumn season brings. We all know that the last year and a half have been weird, to say the least, but there are still goals to be set and time to be claimed. Even if you’re not going back to school, you may be going back to work for the first time in months, you may be working from home permanently, you may have shifted careers, or you may still be looking for that shift to take place. Use this time, claim it as your own personal renewal, and reclaim your path.
Here are some ideas to get that back-to-school zeal:
- Take a class online or in person.
- Read a book (or 12).
- Redecorate your desk or work space.
- Attend a local meet-up to make a new friend.
- Commune with nature. Look over your resume.
- Buy some new “school” supplies for yourself, a loved one, or a child in need.
- Expand your career goals.
- Set up a new exercise routine.
- Explore your family history.
- Journal more frequently.
Set your sights higher and be part of the sunlight breaking through the canopy of trees!
Written by Dragonfly’s Operations Coordinator, Andi Trzeciak, and edited by Cynthia Williams, Business & Tech Editing Manager