Outsourcing content:
A complete guide

Here’s everything you need to know about outsourcing content strategy, writing, editing, and design

Content management got you overwhelmed? Learn how to outsource content development so you can create more effective content, more efficiently.

The B2B world runs on copy. Nope, not coffee — copy. As in content.

That content can take many forms — from white papers, web copy, infographics, and case studies to fact sheets, feature stories, proposals, and social media posts. 

If you want to gain traction with this content, you’ll need to put in a lot of hours. There’s time spent on project management, writing, editing, and designing — as well as juggling review cycles. 

If all of these tasks are on your plate, you likely need a hand. By outsourcing content development, you can create more content with less effort — content that’s clear, engaging, and timely. 

Outsourcing is probably common (even expected!) in other parts of your business. It’s time to consider the benefits of outsourcing content writing services.

“Dragonfly Editorial has been a tremendous partner to us. I have been consistently blown away by the team’s willingness to take on any project we ask them to. Not only are they excellent writers and editors, but they have taken the time to learn about and truly understand our company, our products and services, and our communication style. Our goal is to produce best-in-class content, and the Dragonfly team has absolutely helped us achieve that goal.”

— Tier 1 Health Care provider

Your guide to outsourcing content

Ready to start outsourcing your B2B content writing, editing, design, or proposal development? Use this guide as your roadmap. We explain the benefits of outsourcing creative services and which type of tasks you can outsource. We also share best practices for finding the right content partner and evaluating their work.

Companies outsource professional services to save time, lower costs, and benefit from expertise. The same motivations apply to creative services. By outsourcing tasks like writing, editing, and design, companies can produce more content in less time — without adding to their full-time staff. 

Should your company outsource content writing, editing, and/or design?

Dragonfly Editorial helps companies outsource content writing, editing, graphic design, and content strategy services.

There’s no way around it: Writing quality content takes time. With research, interviews, drafts, and review cycles, there’s a lot more involved than just “putting pen to paper.” To get some relief, communications managers turn to outside content writers. These pros dive into your world and create content in your voice, clarifying your key messages. 

Could a professional writer add value to your organization and help you create more content more quickly?

Dragonfly Editorial offers content writing, editing, graphic design, and content strategy services for B2B organizations looking to outsource content development.

Professional editing services can improve the quality of your content and turbocharge your publications process. Copy editors can also save your bacon, since content errors can be costly and embarrassing. Copy editing agencies can help with everything from proofreading to substantive reviews and may even specialize in your industry. 

When should you add an editing service to your workflow?

Companies looking to outsource content development hire Dragonfly Editorial.

Sophisticated graphic design increases your copy’s appeal, readability, and effectiveness. Plus, looks matter. The quality of your layout and design reflects the quality of your services and your brand. Professional graphic designers can take your B2B marketing content to the next level, creating content that’s not just clear, but also visually compelling.

Could outsourcing design enhance your message?

Graphic design is one area where many companies outsource content creation.

A professional proposal writer can help you communicate your strengths clearly and create powerful win themes. If your company’s proposal writing strategy is “copy and paste” or “slice and dice” from previous documents, you might be selling yourself short. And if you’re submitting proposals that haven’t been professionally edited and designed, you’re probably not putting your best foot forward.

Could an outsourced proposal production crew increase your chance of winning?

Dragonfly Editorial helps clients with proposal writing.

Should you hire a freelancer or a firm? When should you bring someone in? What will they need to get started? And how do you evaluate creative work?

Follow these steps to build a great content development partnership — and start getting some relief.

How should you prepare, onboard, and evaluate content outsourcing service providers?

Dragonfly Editorial offers best practices for outsourcing content development.

Tipping points: When to outsource content development

Growth in your business can generate a lot of content needs at once. So can conferences, new service lines, product releases, and RFPs. Or maybe there’s no one event spurring a need for content — there’s just too much to do all the time.

Consider outsourcing content development if you face any of these issues: 


  • You have more writing assignments than your staff can manage. 
  • You frequently have to adjust campaign schedules because you can’t produce content in time.
  • You miss content opportunities because you don’t have time to write the story.
  • You struggle to translate technical content into words your audience can understand. 
  • You’ve run out of ideas. 

Copy editing:

  • Mistakes are slipping into copy.
  • Maintaining consistency across documents (or within one large document) is a problem. 
  • Deadlines can’t be met because of other priorities or limited staffing. 
  • Drafts travel through multiple stakeholders’ hands before publication, introducing chances for error. 
  • There’s a lot riding on your content (e.g., huge audiences, risk of fines or corrective actions, funding decisions). 


  • You don’t have the right talent or tools to create professional-looking materials. 
  • You have more design work than your staff can manage.
  • Your publications are starting to look dated or frumpy. 
  • You want to take your publications to the next level by moving from Microsoft-based production to the Adobe Creative Suite.
  • You need a new perspective to freshen up your materials.

Outsourcing content can make your life easier

At Dragonfly, we love writing, editing, and design. More importantly, we love making you look good and making your life easier.  

When you outsource content development to Dragonfly, you can breathe a little easier. We make sure your communication is accurate, clear, and enjoyable to read. We give you what you need — on time and within your budget. We always remember that you’re the boss, and we’re your trusted advisors, here for one reason only: to help you succeed.

Dragonflies are:

Helpful and cheerful.
They approach every challenge with a positive, can-do attitude. Our goal is not just to create outstanding content. It’s also to make your life a little easier.

Responsive and reliable.
They genuinely care about your work and want to do a good job. They’ll return the best possible product, when and how you asked for it.

Fast and thorough.
They work quickly but don’t cut any corners. Dragonfly will handle your content project with expert care, managing every step of the process.

How can we help?

We’re excited to write, edit, and design for you.

Tell us about your project

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