Copy Editor
At Dragonfly, Jennifer copy edits business proposals, technical reports, and other corporate communications.
Prior to starting at Dragonfly, she was a full-time freelance editor for five years, working with health companies, book publishers, and nonprofits. As a freelancer, Jennifer ran her own business, Magic Wand Editing. Clients of note included the Pew Research Center, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, VOX Global (a public relations firm handling publications for major, household-name corporations), and Callisto Media.
Jennifer also has 13 years’ experience copy editing in in-house, salaried positions. For six years, she worked for Congressional Quarterly (now FiscalNote) to edit daily and breaking news, a weekly magazine, and longer-lead publications. She spent four years as the lead copy and production editor for the annual CQ Almanac, handling not just copy editing but also layout and communications with the printer.
Jennifer is a member of ACES: The Society for Editing. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her husband and their cat, Melody.
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