Early in his post-college journey, Daniel pursued his love for aviation by becoming a flight attendant with Continental Airlines. After traveling extensively for several years, he settled in Columbus, Ohio, and took a position with a local public relations firm. There, he worked with clients in education, law, publishing, health care, and the nonprofit arena.
Daniel then started freelancing in design and worked for several years with many local small businesses and sole proprietors throughout central Ohio. He landed a role at Nationwide Insurance, where he served as both a writer and a designer for almost 15 years. More recently, he’s worked as a package and digital designer for Big Lots and contracted with notable corporations like Zaner-Bloser, Mount Carmel, and OCLC.
Daniel’s work has helped his partner organizations garner several industry awards, including a 2011 Eddy Award, 2011 NAGDCA Award, 2012 MarCom Award, and 2014 NAGDCA Award.
Daniel is Dragonfly’s graphic designer and creates a wide range of content for clients in financial services, international development, science and medicine, and other areas.
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