When Brianne worked as a writer and communications specialist at a health information network, a public health colleague called her work “technically breezy.” Brianne can’t imagine higher praise. She loves distilling complex ideas into clear writing.
Brianne has a bachelor’s degree in English and French with a minor in biochemistry. She earned her MFA in creative writing from Purdue University where she received several teaching awards and served as Nonfiction Editor for The Sycamore Review.
In graduate school, Brianne had the dream job of helping international graduate students develop introductory courses from their doctoral research in niche areas like black hole formation, climate change, and jet engineering.
Brianne has spent the decade since then working at the intersection of healthcare and technology. She has worked with the nation’s leading health information network, health data start-ups, technology executives, and clinical researchers on projects like health policy newsletters, white papers, interview responses, patient education materials, book-length manuscripts, federal and foundation grant proposals, and multi-million dollar winning RFP responses.
Brianne also brings experience as an engaging educator. She has written and taught custom training content for several nonprofits on topics ranging from developmental literacy to how the healthcare system works. Her creative writing students have gone on to win poetry awards, publish novels, and become the first in their families to be accepted to college.
Brianne spent several years in France and Switzerland, first as a Fulbright-French Government English Teaching Assistant and then as a private language teacher. As a result, she and her family eat a lot of fancy cheese and can often be heard yelling “zut alors!” as they build epic tree forts and (possibly dangerous?) sled ramps in their woods in Northern Michigan.
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