Happy Halloween!
I’ve been writing about some spooky idioms over at Grammar Girl, and now’s the perfect time to share. Here are a few:
24 “Dead” Idioms
Dead has been in the English language since the time of Beowulf. It’s also a very popular entry in the dictionary. In fact, the OED lists 31 distinct meanings for dead. It’s no wonder there are so many idioms for this word.
4+ “Skeleton” Idioms
English has a surprising number of skeleton idioms. And these are just a few: skeleton in the closet; skeleton key; and skeleton gig.
In Cold Blood
While the idiom in cold blood isn’t directly related to Halloween, its meaning is still creepy. The term was first coined by Shakespeare in the 1500s, but was made famous by Truman Capote’s book In Cold Blood.
This post was written by Samantha Enslen, who runs Dragonfly Editorial.
Back to School: Some Editorial Resources
We all need to sharpen our skills from time to time. Here are some editorial classes, workshops, and resources that we’re excited about.