Critical Tools for Medical Editing

To be a great medical editor, you need great copyediting skills: a sharp eye, attention to detail, and a drive to get things right. You also need to master the special conventions that govern medical publishing. Here are the resources you need to do that.

Style guides
AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors, 11th edition
Primary style guide for editing all manner of medical publications

Publication Manual of the American Psychological
, 7th edition
Default guide for editing material in the social and
behavioral sciences

The CSE Manual: Scientific Style and Format for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 9th edition
Reference for editors in scientific, medical, and related fields

The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition
Comprehensive style guide that should address any questions not covered in the above guides

Medical dictionaries
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Two gold-standard dictionaries for the health care field, each covering more than 100,000 medical terms and their definitions

Medical spellcheckers
Stedman’s Plus Medical/Pharmaceutical Spellchecker
Available as a plug-in for word processors or as a downloadable file, a spellchecker with more than 500,000 medical, pharmaceutical, bioscience, and medical equipment terms 

Inductel Medical Spell Checkers
Plug-in spellcheckers for medical content; scientific and technical content; and combination medical, legal, scientific, and technical content

Spellex Medical Spell Checkers
Spell checkers for medical, scientific, pharmaceutical, and laboratory terms that work in Microsoft Office applications

Resources for getting references right
PubMed Single Citation Matcher
References, abstracts, and DOIs for articles on life
sciences and biomedical topics

National Library of Medicine
U.S. federal government hub for biomedical literature and research

Artificial intelligence platform with an academic focus helpful for research and generating complete citations in the style specified

Google Scholar
Niche search engine that enables you to search a broad array of scholarly literature
U.S. National Library of Medicine database of clinical studies conducted around the world

General medical references
Cleveland Clinic Health Library
A patient- and caregiver-focused site of searchable health information, including images and video

One of the world’s largest accredited continuing medical education creators for health care professionals

The Mayo Clinic Patient Care and Health Information
Consumer-focused health condition database

Merck Manual
Offers trusted medical, veterinary, and pharmaceutical information online and in print, including 3D models and descriptions of surgical procedures

Information about ethics in peer-reviewed scientific publications
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Recommendations for best practices and ethical
standards in the publication of medical research

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Advice to editors and publishers on all aspects of
publication ethics, particularly how to handle research and publication misconduct

Professional associations and certifications
Board of Editors in the Life Sciences
Offers Editor in the Life Sciences (ELS) certification

Council of Science Editors

American Medical Writers Association
Members can become Medical Writer Certified (MWC)

Association of Health Care Journalists

International Society for Medical Publication Professionals
Members can become Certified Medical Publication Professionals (CMPP)

National Association of Science Writers

Additional resources
AMA Manual of Style SI Conversion Calculator
Enables conversions between metric units and conventional units

HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
Listing of standard nomenclature for human gene names and symbols

Allows you to scan for plagiarized text

Reference managers
Software tools for managing and publishing citations, bibliographies, and references

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