Making an Impact

red number one sign isolated on white backgroundEveryone likes to hear that their work is making an impact. Having edited every volume of European Urology (EU) over the past 4 years, Dragonfly Editorial is especially delighted to hear that EU is now quantifiably the highest-impact journal in the urology and nephrology fields.
How does ISI Thompson Journal Citation Reports determine what journal has the highest impact in a field? They divide 1 year’s worth of citations of a journal’s articles published within the past 2 years by the number of articles published by that journal in those 2 years. In other words, the more often a journal is cited in published research, the more reach, influence, and authority it has.
EU, the journal of the European Association of Urology, recently achieved an impact factor of 10.476, placing it above all other urology and nephrology journals and surpassing last year’s impact factor of 8.493 and its 2008 impact factor of 5.634. That means EU has been making more and more of an impact each year and is top in its field of study.
Kudos to the physicians we work with who write about exciting advances in treating a wide variety of urologic conditions—including prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and incontinence. Dragonfly Editorial is honored to play a role in this exciting achievement.
Samantha Enslen runs Dragonfly Editorial. 


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