Infinite Summer: A Mass Reading of Wallace's Infinite Jest

infinite-jestDudes – you need to get to the bookstore NOW.
Matthew Baldwin, one of my favorite bloggers (Defective Yeti) and a contributing writer for The Morning News, is hosting the Infinite Summer AND IT STARTS ON SUNDAY !!!
Infinite Summer involves the challenge of reading David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest over the course of three months. As Baldwin and friends write:

Join endurance bibliophiles from around the world in reading Infinite Jest over the summer of 2009, June 21st to September 22nd. A thousand pages ÷ 92 days = 75 pages a week. No sweat.
Four writers who have never before read Infinite Jest will do so for the duration of Infinite Summer. And each will be posting here weekly, not only to report on their thoughts and progress, but also to promote and facilitate discussion.

Folks who have visited this blog before may know that I’m a huge fan of Wallace’s essays, although I will admit for the first time publicly that I have never before read any of his fiction.
Well, this summer, IT’S GONNA HAPPEN. The only sad part is that we’ll be finishing up the novel just after the one-year anniversay of Wallace’s death.
In any case – I better stop writing and get over to Jay and Mary’s in Troy ASAP. The reading starts Sunday!
[p.s., go here to download bookmarks with weekly page totals to keep you on track throughout the summer.]


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