We were intrigued by a recent news release from Nature announcing the launch of PeerJ, a new way for scientists to publish their research.
In contrast to the standard pay-per-article model, PeerJ asks users to pay a single flat fee for unlimited open-access publications and submissions, which will be peer reviewed for scientific validity.
The new model has the potential to make the processes of scientific publication and dissemination more efficient.
PeerJ’s founders hope the database’s path will follow that of PLoS ONE — the world’s largest journal, according to the Nature article — which now publishes roughly 2,000 articles each month. Says PeerJ founder (and former PLoS ONE publisher) Peter Binfield —
We are seeing a Cambrian explosion of experiments with new publishing models. … PLoS ONE is publishing so many articles that it is stretching the boundaries of what is a journal — instead, it’s becoming a large, peer-reviewed repository of research articles. [With PeerJ] we’re setting ourselves up for exploring that future.
Because Dragonfly is so heavily involved in journal editing, we’ll be watching closely to see how this model may or may not affect the scientific publishing field and if other publishers pick it up.
In the meantime, we’ll have our keyboards ready in anticipation of editing more papers than ever before!
Samantha Enslen runs Dragonfly Editorial.